Our Pricing

Deliverables-based pricing, agreed to upfront

We don’t charge hourly fees, based on “time & materials”. We also don’t load up your project with extraneous billable resources. 

Instead, we do fixed-fee engagements, where we get paid only upon delivery of concrete deliverables that we have signed up for, with agile teams of 2-3 product experts typically.

Most of our initial client engagements are short-term, 90-day projects structured around tightly defined sprints. These efforts always involve a C2B equity partner and may explicitly include other firm members. We will consult or involve other firm members as your deliverables require.

Most of our clients retain us for follow-on engagements that can run six to 12 months. These too are fixed-fee, deliverables-based, sprint-focused projects.

A typical first C2B engagement is priced between $45,000 and $60,000. Our pricing is structured around the deliverable(s), so we are always happy to have an initial discovery call free of charge to determine where your project might fit.