M & A Preparation

Buy-side and Sell-side due diligence

Preparing for or conducting due diligence as - or on - a B2B SaaS firm can be a daunting task. We’ve been in and around the acquisitions process for over 20 years, as portfolio strategists, leading evaluations, performing due diligence, and on the sell-side pitching deals to a PE or Public firm(s).

blue icon of a handshake

Is this you?

You have been approached by a potential acquirer and need a ‘tiger team’ to help in the data collection process for the immediate due diligence challenge.

Your “To Do” list includes

  • cleaning up the pipeline

  • producing historical financials and a 12-month projected forecast

  • building a portfolio roadmap

  • generating a win-loss analysis

  • and the list goes on…

How we add value

C2B's due diligence prep focuses exclusively on Product and Portfolio considerations, which requires skills and experience that traditional investment banks and M&A matchmaker services typically lack. With this background we are able to

  • augment corporate development or investment bank teams

  • conduct product line P&L assessments

  • offer unbiased pipeline and market objectivity and positional analysis for your full portfolio

  • determine the best sales enablement material to put forward

  • play coach and provide fact-based competitive differentiation


M & A Preparation Success Stories


Confidentiality concerns prevent us from identifying clients with whom we have had M&A engagements. Feel free to schedule a short call with us to discuss our due diligence prep capabilities.



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