Client Success Story

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“C2B Suite’s Competitive Intelligence made a significant splash at the Global Sales Kickoff. Lithium’s executive team and entire field salesforce rapidly absorbed and aggressively utilized the new sales enablement tooling for the joint launch of solution sets across our newly expanded enterprise offerings. C2B was crucial in our competitive analysis and positioning needs in our first year of M&A integration.”


Michael Betzer / General Manager


Lithium (now part of Khoros) was an industry-leading provider of external customer collaboration communities. Lithium customers including some of the world’s leading consumer brands. They valued Lithium’s ability to foster customer loyalty while also reducing customer service and support costs.

Business Challenge
With two high profile acquisitions, Lithium’s SVP of Product Marketing and GM of Lithium Social Web faced several challenges. In addition to needing help integrating two new companies, they lacked the competitive intelligence required to succeed against new solution offerings in new markets. To meet their aggressive new pipeline goals, they determined that they needed new competitive messaging guides, SWOT assessments, and ISV battlecards.

The Solution
The Lithium executives brought the C2B team on board in a Product Marketing role. The team’s assignment was to create and deliver competitive intelligence against three market leaders Lithium consistently encountered in its new markets. The team discretely attended competitive vendor conferences across the US to uncover valuable insight for later product strategy development. It also analyzed technical, functional and commercial intelligence related to Lithium’s new competitors.  

a young man with a brown shirt looking at a dryer in a appliance retail store


The competitive intelligence the C2B team developed fed an overall, comprehensive 70+ page Sales Messaging Guide that was distributed globally to Lithium’s field sales organization.

  • Designed SWOT analyses for 5-7 ISVs in Lithium’s various markets

  • Met with and facilitated Sales and Marketing leadership sessions

  • Created extensive battlecards, objection handling and sales positioning strategy



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